Czech FILM

Czech FILM company, producers Tomáš Bělohradský and Přemysl Klimsza, provides complex film preproduction, production and postprodction. We specialize on the Czech Republic. We have professional team consisting of leading Czech script writers, directors, cameramen and actor celebrities. Our team draw on its many years professional experiences and it can rely on references of many important clients. Main services:
- Film and advertising creation
- Creative scripts
- Visual conception, props and Czech locations
- Project implementation team, technology and a accompanying service
- Sound and postproduction studio, databank of dubbing artists and music
- Product placement of your services or products
Pavel Göbl
screenplay and director

MgA. Pavel Göbl was born in 1967 in Uherske Hradiste, he graduated at high school and then he studied VUT in Brno. He worked as a worker…a cook… and a journalist. In the 90s he studied at film school in Zlin.
In 1995-2002 he studied at FAMU – study program Directing and he got several awards during his study – for example Kodak award for the best film of the year (The Open countryside of a lonely man) and Pavel Juracek award for screenplay. He is also devoted to writing – he wrote a novel Silent partner and got Magnezia litera. He was also nominated for the Josef Skvorecky award. In 2012 he wrote a book Penis of the Truth and was nominated for the Josef Skvorecky award again. A theatrical dramatization of this book is currently preparing.
Selectd filmography:
Sunrise supervising, independent movie based on his own script (2013 – 2014)
The Blacksmith from Woodham (2012)
Gorila (2011) independent movie based on theatre template Nejhodnější medvídci, Andrej Stankovic’s appreciation
Veni, vidi, vici (2009 – promotional film)
Ještě žiju s věšákem, plácačkou a čepicí (2005 – feature film, awards from critics of magazine Variety)
Balíci (2004 – TV film)
Šťáva (2003 – TV film, Ota Hoffman award)
Jiří Zykmund

MgA. Jiří Zykmund – artist, photographer, cameraman, he is mainly devoted to production of documentary films.
He was born in 1975 in Litomerice. Now he is living and working in Brno and in Prague. In 1990-1995 he studied SUPS in Brno – study program Photograph, and then he studied at FAMU in Prague – study program Camera (1996-2002). He was also devoted to pedagogical activities in VOSG in Jihlava in 2005-2009. He studied at Multimedia Art College. He participated as a cameraman on production of following feature films presented in cinemas:
Sunrise supervising – feature film (directed by Pavel Göbl), in cinemas in 2014
Mám ráda nudný život (2010, directed by Jan Gogola)
Bye bye Shanghai (2006, directed by Jana Boková)
4 things (2006, Deníky Babičky Němcové, directed by Jan Gogola)
Ničeho nelituji (2003, directed by Theodora Remundová)
and he also participated in the creation of many documentary films broadcasted in ČT.
Ilona Malá

Bc.A Ilona Malá (*1989) – editor, animator, painter, author, student KSS at FAMU.
She graduated at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen – study program Multimedia design. She created music videos for Vltava and Znouzectnost. She cooperates on audiovisual works of Jaromir Typlt and animator Bara Anna Stejskalova. Currently she is editing movie Šťastná (directed by Eva Toulova). In summer 2013 she worked as a lector at Film summer School of Face2Face project. She is a co-founder of multimedia group Mouton Noir. In her free time she is devoted to animation, conceptual art, painting, land art, poetry and performance. Her works were already exhibited at the gallery of Klenova castle, Pilsen galleries and in Pecka castle.
Vládnout, pracovat (editing – document, directed by Andran Abramjan, 2013)
Hádanky domů života (editing – 9. episode of documentary series, directed by Jaroslav Kratochvíl, 2013)
Výrok Y (animation of Jaromír Typlt’s work, 2013)
Vlaštovka (short copyright film, 2013)
Že ne zas až (animation for Jaromír Typlt’s work, 2012)
Prodává se kytara (clip for Vltava band, animation, 2012)
Host (editing – short film, shown at the festival Finále, 2011)
Da capo al fine (short copyright film, 2011)
Bastila (clip pro ZNC, animation, 2010)
Minuty a hodiny (short copyright film, shown at the festival Finále, 2010)
Tomáš Doruška

Tomáš Doruška (*1977) – Film-maker and teacher at FAMU.
Z tvého života (produceer distribution document 2012)
Tsunami po vlně zájmu (producer and editor; document, 2009)
Proměny (dramaturgist of feature film, 2009)
Roming (feature film 2005)
Radhošť (direction, coproducer, 40min. distribution as feature narrative film, FICC Pilsen award 2002)
Feature films editing:
YBY (document, Avantis, Latvia, 2014)
Cardiopolitika (distribution documentary film, directed by Světlana Strelniková, Novyj kurs, Moscow, 2014)
Gorila (audiovisual transcription of stage play directed by P. Göbl /cinema distribution/ 2011)
Bloudím (distribution copyright film /directed by M.Müller/ 2011)
Ještě žiju s věšákem, plácačkou a čepicí (r. P. Göbl /Endorfilm,ČT/ 2006)
Otevřená krajina (part of distribution narrative film Radhošť /ČT,FAMU/ 1998)
Director and editor of 50 documents and short films:
Tobě (experimental animated document, 3 min., DoxNext – Radical Democracy, 2014)
Jedna pravda (experimental document about a town 10min., Nultý priestor A4, 2005)
malý Janek (portrait in Romani 23min; about educational system in the Czech Republic, ČT 2000)
Lačo jilo (first film in Romani broadcasted at ČT with no translation 1999)
R‘ utobös (amateur anti-war roadmovie 1997)
Byl Pes

Film music – Byl Pes band.