Characters and Actors

Jiří Lábus
He used to be StB agent… and he spent his money on buying the inn after the revolution… and he became – despite of his suspicious and closed nature – the innkeeper. He is balanced and satisfied… but then the old men appear and begin to be friends with him for the purpose of the revenge…
Jiří Lábus: Czech actor

Vratislav Brabenec
Member of Mánička´s original generation, saxophonist – but he never acted in a band… but he was in a jail because he took records to the others… he is the oldest and the smartest of all three old men so he would like to command if they let him.
Vratislav Brabenec – saxophonist The Plastic People Of The Universe, poet, writer..

Jiří Vymětal
circus performer
Simple beautiful mind, breeder and feeder of circus animals. He likes to take care about someone – as we can see in his attitude to the street girl. He is the only one of all old men who has ideas for the revenge – stupid ones. He was in a jail because he smuggled the contraband from the West… until he was caught with several strange and forbidden books.
Jiří Vymětal – Czech actor, he is devoted to amateur theatre

Jozef Polievka
Common thief planted as an informer into Musician‘s and Circus performer‘s prison cell… but he deciced not to betray his inmates and got the hell kicked out of him together with them… he is the most agile from the whole gang – at least when women are concerned…
Jozef Polievka – retired forester, wholelife entertainer and amateur actor

Nikol Fischerová
street girl
Street girl that we can see leaning against the old closed cinema, with a cigarette in her mouth… until she is redeemed by romantic circus man. And despite of the fact that she become to be a little bit calculating – she is the one who forces the old men to think about themselves… And she finds an appropriate solution for them…
Nikol Fišerová: The actress (JAMU graduate) that sometimes roams the bars with her guitar and sings her own songs.